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Customer Testimonials

Words from Our Customers...

"During the pandemic, Stauffer has worked with our company to service our needs during difficult times. Stauffer has always been a pleasure to work with. Customer service is key, and the Stauffer team is excellent.

Safety is a first priority in our company and Stauffer's products have kept our employees SAFE."

- Gas Distribution Company

"Our company has worked with Stauffer for over 11 years. A partnership has been created where the SAFETY of our employees comes first. We work together to determine the best possible products for our workers and through extensive evaluation and testing, our safety program has significantly reduced injuries. Stauffer makes it easy!"

- Large Electric Distribution Company

"Stauffer Glove & Safety has been our primary supplier for over twenty years for all our safety related products and needs. Our company is a 600 employee automobile carpet supplier to the automotive industry doing business with Ford, Chrysler, GM, Toyota and Volkswagen.

We chose Stauffer Glove & Safety for their outstanding customer service, attention to detail and excellent pricing. What started as a glove and safety supplier has developed into a very close partnership that remains strong.

Stauffer Glove & Safety has helped us through many challenging times including floods, recessions and new product development. The outstanding team at Stauffer’s has always been by our side and always available to fulfill our ever changing needs.

We truly appreciate and value our close relationship with this outstanding and important partner."

EHS Manager, Autoneum N.A. Inc.

"Our brewery has proudly partnered with Stauffer Glove and Safety to collaboratively offer our coworkers a custom selection of PPE at a competitive price point. This is supported by excellent customer service that is tailored to meet our specific needs!"

EHS Manager, Samuel Adams Pennsylvania Brewery

"I have been doing business with Stauffer Glove & Safety for 8+ years. I have done business with other safety suppliers and found Stauffer Glove & Safety to be easy to do business with while being cost competitive at the same time. Without reservation, I would recommend Stauffer Glove & Safety to any company who is safety-minded and cost-conscious."

- World Class Leader in Manufacturing of Alternators/Starters

"We choose Stauffer for all of our PPE needs because of their customer service and reliability. PPE companies are a dime a dozen these days, but Stauffer's communication and individualized attention is superior to other companies we've used in the past."

- National Candy Manufacturer

"Stauffer Glove & Safety has been able to keep our plant in critical PPE during the pandemic. Although the products we purchased are used for our manufacturing needs, they overlap into the requirements for COVID-19 precautions. Stauffer's customer service team has been excellent in getting us through this crisis. Thank you!"

- International Glass Manufacturer

Words from Our Vendors...

"The team at Stauffer Glove & Safety have been valued partners of ours for many years.  Together we’ve been able to enjoy consistent growth through proactive business planning, including joint marketing initiatives, product line reviews, and coordinated new product launches.  They are extremely easy to do business with, and we’ve worked together to find solutions for customers that provided wins for all parties – for us as the supplier, for them as the distributor, and most importantly, for our shared end-use customers.  We’ve frequently been invited to provide training to their sales team, helping to expand their knowledge of our products and how they fit into various markets and applications.  With over 100 years of trusted experience in the safety industry, they remain a strong partner of ours, and we look forward to many years of collaboration going forward."

- Key Account Director, LineDrive

"National Safety Apparel is a proud and long-standing partner with Stauffer Glove and Safety. We are both members of www.SafetyNetwork.me. Our teams work closely on a regular basis to secure business solutions for end users in a variety of markets, specifically thermal, electrical and cut protective solutions."

- National Safety Apparel

"Stauffer has been a trusted Distributor for Showa for many decades and our strong relationships continues to be extremely beneficial while we all work through the COVID-19 pandemic.  Not only are Stauffer’s safety professionals well trained and knowledgeable concerning the ever changing safety market they are supported by a highly trained support staff located in their Red Hill, PA corporate offices.  Stauffer’s sales and service teams are quick to respond to an ever-changing marketplace, their product lines are constantly evolving and they always have a variety of product options to help solve end-users safety concerns.  We at Showa would like to thank Stauffer Safety and their team for supporting the Showa Group during these difficult times.  We have enjoyed growing our businesses together as Stauffer is a genuine partner to The Showa Group.  We would highly recommend Stauffer Safety as a supplier of full line safety equipment."

- SHOWA Eastern Regional Manager