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Steel & Metal

Numerous Hazards

Whether an employee is welding, working at a steel mill, or smelting aluminum, workers in the steel and metal industry face numerous hazards in the workplace. Metal fabricators construct metal structures through processes such as cutting, bending, and welding – producing sharp edges, high temperatures, bright eye hazards, and fumes. The rolling and pounding of metal, brazing and cutting operations, welding, bending, forming all expose the worker to a multitude of hazards. When you cannot engineer away the hazard, PPE is the last line of defense. PPE protects our eyes from particulate, projectiles, welding IR/UV or weld flash, our respiratory systems from particulate, fumes and vapors, our hearing from loud noises above the 85dB range, and our bodies from heat, molten splash, sparks, or laceration.

If You Can't Stand the Heat...

From smelting to steel-making to aluminum, all must protect themselves from extremely high temperatures and potential molten splash. A metal foundry is a factory that casts metals into shapes by melting them into liquid and pouring the molten metal into a mold, while smelting is applying heat to ore to extract a base metal. Those working in foundries and smelters encounter extreme temperatures and hazardous materials, with some laborers in the smelting industry reporting respiratory illness that inhibit their ability to perform daily job functions. Aluminized clothing and fabrics that shed splash protect workers from splashing molten metals. 

Expert Protection, Economical Prices

Finished metal is everywhere - from our office buildlings and homes to our cars and the bridges we drive them on. The process used to produce these finished items is where personal protective equipment is needed and required to ensure the safety of the workers. From pouring to extruding to casting, metal goes through many transformative processes before it's finished form. These processes can be harsh. Stauffer carries the PPE you need to provide protection from the hazards these dangerous processes produce. We offer a full line of PPE from head, hearing, eye, hand, and respiratory protection. Protect a wide selection of protective garments from cut resistant aprons to heat and metal splash protection, protective footwear, welding helmets, fall protection, gas detection, electrical safety find whatever you need here.